Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Peace Book

I love children's books. It's a passion of mine. I love to use them in my music classroom a lot. One of my favorites is called The Peace Book by Todd Parr. His books are bright and full of color. This book packs a powerful message in a fun and cheerful way. My students love it! You will too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks a fab book - thank you! I'm always on the hunt for great children's books and have recently discovered Bayard and their series of StoryBoxBooks, AdventureBoxBooks and DiscoveryBoxBooks (which is a special Olympic edition) They have work by acclaimed children's books illustrator Helen Oxenbury appearing in the Storybox series for September. In addition to this, they also have some great activities for rainy days:,, Enjoy!