Saturday, July 31, 2010

More reuse of materials . . . MIXED MEDIA PeAcE aRt!

I am enjoying my summer vacation with abandon. Finding time during the busy school year is often challenging to create things that feed my artistic sweet tooth. Summer is a time for me to try some new things that have been occupying my thoughts or the scribbles I keep in a notebook that I carry with me. I find it hard to throw things out that I could potential use for my art or as storage for things. These PeAcE pieces are created with scraps of canvas, fabric, cut out letters from magazines, buttons from my junk drawer, leftover bits of paint and twigs that I pick up during our walks along Canyon Road and hikes in the mountains surrounding Santa Fe. I have a few more embellishments to do, photograph each one individually and then list them in my ETSY shop. I hope you are finding time this summer to feed your artistic sweet tooth.


Beth Macre said...

Hey Todd! I love your Peace projects! They are so creative!
I know exactly what you mean about using your summer break to get so much done! I do the same thing! And the closer it gets to school starting, the more frenzied I get to finish projects!
I go back to work in a week. When do you go back?

Todd said...

Thanks, Beth!! I am loving my summer time!! We go back August 16th . . . gonna make the most of it while I can. I'll be ready when the time comes. Enjoy your weekend!

Hana Njau-Okolo said...

I like that - feeding the artistic sweet tooth. I am going to adopt that thinking from now on. I am so quick to feed my sweet (chocolate) tooth. If I indulged my artistic sweet tooth as much, I would be so much further ahead in my goals as a writer...From now on, every single time I think about a bar of chocolate, I'll attach the thinking to what I'd like to day at a time.

Thanks Todd. And the PeAcE pieces are inspirational!!

Cindy Powers said...

Wonderful banners. I will watch for them on etsy. I am glad that you are spending your summer being creative. I am doing the same.

Maddie Moe said...

Great post Mr. Hansen! I always love your creations! Peace, Maddie

~Babs said...

Love these mixed media pieces Todd.
And the chair! You are a man of many talents!
Oh,summer is moving on so quickly,,but I'm glad to see you've been enjoying yours,,,and creatively!

Anonymous said...

Nice I idea. I love recycling. Truly unique pieces are formed.